Saturday, March 5, 2011


5 young student girls have done one prank to many and the teachers and the headmaster agrees on giving them a punishment during a weekend. They will clean the school and the area around during three days and while being there they start to tell the new girl Zeta (Reanna) about some killings that have happened in the school a few years ago.

Histeria starts however with the girl Murni (Liyana Jasmay) walking through the hallway with her wrist full of cuts and her dress soaked in blood, she later on ends up in a hospital where the doctor and the police tries to solve what has happened with her and all the other girls.

The girls summon and evil spirit

It mixes drama, more like a coming to age type of movie, with gory killscenes and what grabs me the most; the lesbian tense

that somehow filters every scene (atleast halfway into the movie) and the feeling that something bad can happen at any second.
The second part of the movie it twists into a monster slasher and in one of the final scenes where two of the girls sits in a car, won´t give away who it is, is a really good moment that somehow sums up the entire movie in a way.

The acting of the girls is solid and believable, they feel like real girls and not like girls who act - much like the girls in Bunshinsaba was. See review of that one here

This was the first Malaysian horrormovie I´ve seen and I´m looking forward to see more from this country.

-This ain´t something to fool around with! You all gonna regret this.

Official trailer