Monday, November 23, 2009


Some people think I am, I guess when saying stuff like "I ain´t bragging, I know. I know that what I do affect people." Or " The only genius I´ve seen was when I looked in the mirror."
So am I arrogant? Or maby even cocky?

Let me give you some examples, if someone ask You who/whom have sold the most records in the world - you automaticly answer; The Beatles. Becouse you know they have done it. But how do you know it?
Or someone ask you; How old are you? You answer the correct age.
Does that makes you arrogant?
No, you only tell them how it is.
But still, how do You know the right answers?

My point is being this; If you wont start believe in yourself and the power of yours . the true outstanding natural gift you and Only you have - then who the hell will believe in you? Do not hesitate, you don´t see the water stop and ask itself "why am I?". The water just is, it exist. And as we all know the humanbody contains 72% water, your blood contains 50% water, the bone has 97% water and... how Did You know about that?

I haven´t decided, yet, if or how much I will support you - all of you.
Believe me I met a lot of people, barely have any friends tough (might be my "arrogant" side who people can´t stand) and I have seen their sorrow, their pain, their frustration, their talent.. so why haven´t they seen it themself?

For me personally, I have doubts on my personal life, who I am, do people like me, am I good enough as a humanbeing..
As an comicwriter - No Doubt What so Ever.

As a child I said "I wanna be naked on the moon" Everyone said (with laughter) You can´t you will die. My responce was "Have you tried?"

I might be stupid, I might be all wrong about everything. But there is no doubt in my mind that You gonna show for the rest of the world what a genius You are. So now it is up to you to find out how great you truly are.

People will try to put you down, don´t let them.
People will seek shelter in their beliefs, whatever they believe in.
Don Not believe - Know.
Tomorrow the sun will rise once again, does that makes me arrogant? Or am I maby seeing/reading the futere?

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