Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Haven´t slept in, what day is it today anyway?

After checking the calendar I realised that it was 3 days or to be honest 69 hours since I sleept. So why don´t I go to bed you might ask? Not that so many people read this blog but, hey fool me and pretend that you do ^_^

It´s offcourse the constant writing, I never actually have been so much of a writer - simply not good with words - "everyone" knows that. But, there is so much that have to come out at this period in life that I more or less write every minute. Don´t really remember what date I posted that I was writing on 3 moviescripts and 48 other comix..that has changed now. 4 moviescripts are in the making..maby that is 3 to much?

Martyrs... we who have seen that monster (ok it is "only a movie"..) kind off understand the way it changes you and for me it has changed me, completelly.
Morjana Alaoui said it better then anyone; "I´m not recommending Martyrs for children. It´s not a kid movie. - Some people will find it very violent, others will find it less violent. - Personaly I think this movie is... .. sad, sincere."

The thing is, offcourse, she knows what she is talking about.
You have to be sincere about the things you write about. You just have to.
Dario Argento, the italian horror master said the following on creating horror movies; " When I work on a screen play I lock myself in a room for 3-4 months. Soon my head fills with ghosts and nightmares and the horror I feel is real."

Alfred Hitchcock said about his movies; " Give the audince what they want"

So what do the audince really want? The horror supporters now, can you call them supporters? Anyway, you get my point.

The japanese Do believe in ghosts or konpaku (as the japanese word is for ghost=konpaku), so therefor their movies are really scary, becouse as stated - they believe in them. And if you wanna know; Yes I believe in konpakus aswell.
You can´t, well actually you can, create a horror that doesn´t scare you. It would be dishonest or not being loyal to yourself and the things that really scares you. Some actually watch horror movies for other reasons then the kick in being scared - some acting all cool and "woooow did you see that cool kill in that movie?" Yeah, I like slasher movies myself, but are those real horrors? No one wants to be slashed to pieces by a masked madman now do they.. so yes I do think slashers can And should be concidered horrors, but we all have our special little secret (don´t ask me what I ment, remember it´s almoust 70 hours since I slept..)

Back to something else now.
Beside the 4 horror scripts, 48 comix, there is also 9 stories for different webistes, 12 moviereviews and a mountain of movies to watch (infact 138 movies that I bought the last 9 months). So yes, I have not time or the strenght to sleep - beside the obvious problems I have. Pain in the back, the knees, my ears (I´ve bled a lot) and the fact that she hasn´t contacted me - you know who you are. Don´t sleep outside. Hey I even buy you a new kitty cat.

What am I doing? All this text, the time I took to write it all down - I should have used it to write on the script, The Script. If I get those 2 girls I want (noooooooooo nothing sexual hehe) I´m talking/or writing here about "get the 2 girls as in actresses I want for the movie" Then it will chock all of you. Becouse without them, I see no one else who can portray them as I see them charachters in my head. It can only be ....... nope I will not give away their names. But I better hurry times doesn´t stand still and wait...unfortunattely. It´s pedal to the metal - If I crash I´ll do it in a big crash.

A short glimps on the french horror I´m writing then...
He stood there, so clearly, she could see him, it must be an him. Just staring in trough the window. Lucie automaticly shrugged and took two steps backward, but the shape stood still....what did he waint? Lucie´s eyes was open and her pulse was heavy as her breath..

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