Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is how the world ends

Not in a solid boom, but whit a silence.

The picture is Not from a CGI movie about the ending days, not leaked photos from Independence day 2 (they actually are in progress of doing a sequal to that Will Smith blockbuster)
The picture is from the volcanic eruption on Iceland.
Here in a country aproximently 1.000 kilometers away, we see some of the clouds from the eruption. Can you understand that people?
It looks like normal clouds at first, but after some "amateurish" eyes looking at these clouds, I can honestly say (or in this case write) that I never seen anything like this.

So, is this the end of the world?

In aproximently 5 months an election will take place here.
A big change may come, the today semi wannabe fascist government may win - again, they even might co-work with a racist party; a party that blame Everything, and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G on the muslims. Absolutely Everything is the muslims faulths. If a woman brakes her leg after falling down some stairs, woooooow - it gotta be the muslims faulths. That is how these "people" act and try to manipulate the people here.
So the semi wannabe fascist govornment may win and colaburate with a hatefull anti islamic party. Sure we (the people) have seen this before, some of us wasn´t borned at that time, you know, in 1930s... you know exactly what.

Have we learned Anything?
Will we learn anything this time either?

It is like saying that the volcano eruption on Iceland is a terrorist attack from the earth itself. Mankind have terrorised and raped the earth however for far to long and the earth do kick back sometimes.

On the other hand, the time it took you to read this aproximently 100.000 children have starved to death on the verry same planet you are living on.
You didn´t hear their cry, their sorrow, maby you should be glad that you didn´t.

Maby the silence is a good thing after all.

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