Tuesday, August 31, 2010
La horde
What do you think would happen if some small police force would go after some big bad nigerians and their gangster gang?
What would happen if you add some french running zombies(?)/infected people that can take as much beating as possible?
Add some claustrofobic tense to all of it and you got La horde.
Ouessem ( Jean-Pierre Martins ), Aurore (Claude Perron) are out on revenge for their dead partner, they storm a building out in the suburb, ofcourse everything goes wrong.
The though police team meets the even thougher gangsters and they all got to meet a lot of people who just wont die.
Arnaud Bordas, Yannick Dahan (he also co directed) and Stéphane Moïssakis (screenplay) and the director Benjamin Rocher has made a funny actionpacked horror without any realism at all. And why would anyone want to see anything else?
The kills are verry creative, you got guns, shutguns with shitloads of ammo. Machete kills - heads arms and legs fly all over the place.
Hand to hand combat scenes and aparently you can headbut zombies aswell.
The abondoned building (beside that an old fat man is living there) are the place for this apocalyptic horror, or atleast it is the place where all the infected people are going to. Why we do not know and that isn´t necessarly for the story at all. In a time when the more famous Resident evil franchise didn´t become the actionpacked and thrilling series as most of us had wanted, La horde shows us that there still is hope for the genre.
Ouessem; Eat me you basterds!
La horde mixes the best from 28 days later, the best parts from the Resident evil games, the new version of Dawn of the dead and add the brutality from the new wave of french horror. What we get is maby not a classic, but a fun actionpacked and bloody/violent horror movie that surely and hopefully will have many new fans and followers.
It also ends as a ”thypical” zombie movie and that is also a big plus. Now I need to get the uncut version wich is 10 minutes longer ^_^
Ouessem you´re a good guy, I know that.
But tonight we came for bloodbath!
Official site
Japanese site
Unofficial poster
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The original poster
a.k.a. Slashed dreams
”Rape is Something That Happens to Someone Else” as the tagling says.
In this ”back to the nature” and pre darker time drama movie we follow Jenny (Kathrine Baumann) and her friend Robert. They are leaving school to
visit Jennys friend Michael Sutherland (a young Robert "Freddy
Kreuger" Englund) who have dropped out of school and lives in a small cabin in the woods somewhere.
has just left her abusive and a bit violent boyfriend (as violent in that sense that he shouts and wanna start trouble) and feels that there are something more to life then just the ordinary; school, education, work and normal life.
It may also have something to do with her professor that teaches about being positive and ”aquerian age” - a new way of thinking.
Jenny finds Michaels home
When Jenny and Robert are heading to his cabin, they find it rather quickly, Michael is no where to be found. So, ofcourse they goes to the nearest lake and goes skinnydipping.
Jenny surely was a master when it comes to walking on water
As much as in real life, when a young woman baths nude, there is always someone sneaking around in the bushes nearby. At first neither Jenny or Robert gets afraid by their presence allthough the two sneaking men are acting a bit strange. Later on the night the two men comes back to the cabin and rape Jenny.
If you get turned off knowing it is a rape in it, you might think again. Sunburst isn´t exactly a rape revenge movie, atleast not in those terms as you might think.
The rape scene itself is more that Levon and Danker hitting her.
This isn´t a horror, not even a thriller, it´s an drama about innocence
(remember this was made in 1975, with all the flower power attitude) and the
change of the world/our time getting more nastier and violent. It´s more
interresting then scary (it´s not even good acting to be honest). To watch this
and compare it with other movies about rape that have been made the last 10-20
years, Sunburst seems a bit experimental in going into a darker period of time
in the exploitation movie era.
Levon and Danker
There isn´t either any dancing ”hippies” that speak about love and freedom, no one is even smoking weed in it. Even though Jenny, Michael and Robert are indeed none violent, wich is clearly shown in both the rapescene and the revenge that happens later on.
As for a ”normal” rape/revenge flick the payback so to speak would have been violent and pretty much nasty. You know, in some way coreographed brutality. In sunburst it actually feels, as much as the entire movie, as this is real people and this might have happened (or if you wanna be a bit mean, it is acted and performed as a theatre act).
Somehow Sunburst is a nice film, a bit innocent and a interresting time (at
least for us that have lived in the 70´s) that may never come back, wether we
want or not. Levon and Danker (the two rapist) can be seen as a metaphore for
the troubleling times that was about to come out of the Vietnam war, Watergate
and the all things that changed the world - into a more darker and insecure
Michael, don´t go in there.
Why? I wanna see her.
Jenny was raped last night...
A longer scene from the movie. SPOILERS
New release poster
Monday, August 23, 2010
Someone call 911
A standard phrase from various movies when things are getting out of hand. I can name a few movies, such a Deep impact. A homeless man (atleast we´re made to believe he´s homeless) shouts it "Someone call 911" when meteors slamming into the street. The big apocalyps is about to happen...on the big screen that is.
Now, history has a way of repeating itself. Sure, both in real life as in the cinematich world. So in the world of cinema, there was another movie about big badass meteors with a collision course set upon earth; Armageddon. (Wich must of us allready know is by biblical terms the place in Israel where the evil army will fight against the good army).. but in the movie, Bruce Willis saves the earth.
As for history repeating itself in real life.
In Germany 27'th of February 1933... some building was set on fire. The blame was upon Marinus van der Lubbe. An "invalid person" (he had suffered an eye injury) so ofcourse all the people who has a handicap/mental illness was to blame back in the days.
In 1938 during the night between November 9th and 10th, the crystal night in Germany, jewish stores was damaged, jewish books was burned.
2001. Spetember 11. 4 highjacked planes was set to 3 different targets in the US. 3 of them did make their goal; twin towers and the pentagon. the fourth was presumed to hit the white house but failed.
2010. September 11... is to set for "Burn the Quran day" An pastor; Terry Jones is calling for the burning, becouse he thinks it´s his civil right to demonstrate against islam. The same pastor has now been charged for child pornography.
Going back a few years.
September 11 2006.
September 11 2009.
Did recieve a mail that Momoko Yanagisawa has fallen into the great sleep. Kono ai wa eien Momo san "HUFF" (Translated; this love is forever Momo)
Felicia Tang, strangled, tortured to death by her boyfriend(?).
So, indeed the history repeats itself.
And, do your own research; questioning - Do Not believe, find out and you may not have to see the violent history repeating itself.
Still to this day, people wonder why there is so much hatred around the world.
Still today people are insulting other people and saying "It happened 60 years ago, let go of it"
So I´ll give you something to think about.
Your home has been demolished, you move to another home, that home gets atacked. At your school or work, you get bullied or dismissed for who You are.
How long would it take for You to forget and forgive?
Do Not answer that question, simply becouse in time you will surely be ashamed of your answer.
People may change but your memory will be intact.
You will for a long time, maby for the rest of your life, look behind your shoulder in fear. It is a natural universal and human thing to do, to react if evil things has been done towards you.
Forgive and accept is Not the same word.
Understand and agree is Not the same word.
Hatred and fear is Not the same word.
So what have all of these events got to do with eachother?
They are all single horrific events and shouldn´t it be more then evil to link these tragic events to one another?
Maby the world need to understand that history doesn´t judge us, people however tend to judge us. People are behind all of these events. No certain date is more magical or more evil then any other normal day. However, a certain day will forever be the day people will remember with fear, hatred and sorrow and that is something we all (inclueding myself) should (I say should and Not must) understand.
Ja mata Momo san (translated; See you later Momo)
Felicia Tang was NOT into porn, she did nude and bikini pictures and videos. Her maiden name was Felicia Lee. She was also born in Singapore and not in the US.
Felicia Tang
Now, history has a way of repeating itself. Sure, both in real life as in the cinematich world. So in the world of cinema, there was another movie about big badass meteors with a collision course set upon earth; Armageddon. (Wich must of us allready know is by biblical terms the place in Israel where the evil army will fight against the good army).. but in the movie, Bruce Willis saves the earth.
As for history repeating itself in real life.
In Germany 27'th of February 1933... some building was set on fire. The blame was upon Marinus van der Lubbe. An "invalid person" (he had suffered an eye injury) so ofcourse all the people who has a handicap/mental illness was to blame back in the days.
In 1938 during the night between November 9th and 10th, the crystal night in Germany, jewish stores was damaged, jewish books was burned.
2001. Spetember 11. 4 highjacked planes was set to 3 different targets in the US. 3 of them did make their goal; twin towers and the pentagon. the fourth was presumed to hit the white house but failed.
2010. September 11... is to set for "Burn the Quran day" An pastor; Terry Jones is calling for the burning, becouse he thinks it´s his civil right to demonstrate against islam. The same pastor has now been charged for child pornography.
Going back a few years.
September 11 2006.
September 11 2009.
Did recieve a mail that Momoko Yanagisawa has fallen into the great sleep. Kono ai wa eien Momo san "HUFF" (Translated; this love is forever Momo)
Felicia Tang, strangled, tortured to death by her boyfriend(?).
So, indeed the history repeats itself.
And, do your own research; questioning - Do Not believe, find out and you may not have to see the violent history repeating itself.
Still to this day, people wonder why there is so much hatred around the world.
Still today people are insulting other people and saying "It happened 60 years ago, let go of it"
So I´ll give you something to think about.
Your home has been demolished, you move to another home, that home gets atacked. At your school or work, you get bullied or dismissed for who You are.
How long would it take for You to forget and forgive?
Do Not answer that question, simply becouse in time you will surely be ashamed of your answer.
People may change but your memory will be intact.
You will for a long time, maby for the rest of your life, look behind your shoulder in fear. It is a natural universal and human thing to do, to react if evil things has been done towards you.
Forgive and accept is Not the same word.
Understand and agree is Not the same word.
Hatred and fear is Not the same word.
So what have all of these events got to do with eachother?
They are all single horrific events and shouldn´t it be more then evil to link these tragic events to one another?
Maby the world need to understand that history doesn´t judge us, people however tend to judge us. People are behind all of these events. No certain date is more magical or more evil then any other normal day. However, a certain day will forever be the day people will remember with fear, hatred and sorrow and that is something we all (inclueding myself) should (I say should and Not must) understand.
Ja mata Momo san (translated; See you later Momo)
Felicia Tang was NOT into porn, she did nude and bikini pictures and videos. Her maiden name was Felicia Lee. She was also born in Singapore and not in the US.
Felicia Tang
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I need that record
Another documentary, this time on, as the subtitle says; The death (or possible survival)of the independent record store.
Brendan Toller is an guerilla filmmaker, he meets Thurston Moore from Sonic youth, Noam Chomsky whom is an well known left wing activist and professor. Brendan also meets other people who have worked (some has got their stores closed down) or are still working at stores that buy and sell records. In the end of the documentary, he also meets two men who have just opened their store.
There are mostly concentrated on old memories and what local people feel about these stores and how they have met other with the same passion, or how it has helped them and others from the everyday life of boredom.
There is also, from time to time, inputs about the introduction of radio, MTV and internet sites such as MP3.com and napster and finally the Ipod player that has revolutionised the music industry.
When Brendan starts to talk about this MP3 and the fact that people now can buy 1 (one) song online and download it on their ipod, just so they don´t have to buy the whole cd, my mind starts to fly away a bit "isn´t that how the movie industry also should work?".
Well in some cases, I wont name any sourches, becouse you all can handle internet and I ain´t talking about filesharing sites or download sites. I´m talking about different videosites where you can find, maby not "whatever you want" but a lot of scenes from various movies. You know movies that you wanna see for the reason that Megan Fox is being topless in it or whatever your reason may be. So instead of watching the whole movie just becouse of seeing a short 2-3 second clip of her tits. You can wait and that verry scene will be aviable somewhere on the net.
But, back to this documentary now. Allthough I ain´t that much into music as I once was - sure I still enjoy listening to music - but for various reasons (as getting closer to being deafh) I choose my periods of listening.
But in some way I feel the same way as these people, I feel that something would be missing if there wasn´t a place to go to and have your desire, love for the music and meeting friends or just people who actually like the same thing as you do. So, the "evil protagonist" in this documentary is ofcourse the big companies as wall-mart and other big stores that more or less makes these people (recordstores owner) unemployed and the fact that over 3.000 independent record stores across US has closed down the last decade.
And the small section above I mentioned that I understand them, here where I live, there are none comicbook store. The closest is 40 swedish miles away. But on the other hand, within 3 weeks time I´ll be going on a outdoorsale and buy my self a shitloads of comicbooks and some dvds... hey, maby I even buy a cd..
official site
Official site for Brendan Toller
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
So once again I share some quotes for you all.
" I have been a child, a girl, a maiden, lover, wife, mother, career woman, grandmother. I have been a woman for over 50 years and still I haven´t been able to find out exactly what I am."
Mai Zetterling. Legendary swedish actress...among other things obviously
" No, no.. it wasn´t someone I knew, so I don´t give a fuck."
unknown man in Kyomushugi kyou 2010 wich is a japanese moviescript I´m writing on; the english title is Nihilism in 2010.
"It is by doubting that we come to investigate, and by investigating that we recognize the truth."
Peter Abelard, french philosopher
"Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them."
"The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best."
Jean-Paul Sartre, french philosopher, author
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein, jewish/german scientist
"Il vient plus près la maman ! ! Maman ! ! ! S'il vous plaît la maman ! "
Anaïs Salon to her mother Geneviéve in Voyerisme, a french movie I´m writing on.
The translation is; "It comes closer mama!! Mama!!! Please mama!"
"I just took away what was covering it."
An unknown stone sculptists on how he managed to make a statue
"I´m not having any ambition to become big, I allready am, all I need to do is convince you all that I am."
pekinobo Yanagisawa, obviously a genius
"politicians are the true conspiracy teorists and a form of "humanistic dictators". Why? They all convince you on the fact that if you don´t listen or vote for them, something bad is gonna happen."
pekinobo Yanagisawa
"Being mean isn´t funny at all Momoko thinks, but be funny, now that Momoko think is fun"
Momoko Yanagisawa, wife and menthor
"I never desired to become a legend, but after a while I thought; I am"
pekinobo Yanagisawa
"i think the world has indeed lost its mind... the world is insane."
Ashika Gogna, actress
"The planet is important, without it we all floath in space."
Momoko Yanagisawa
" I have been a child, a girl, a maiden, lover, wife, mother, career woman, grandmother. I have been a woman for over 50 years and still I haven´t been able to find out exactly what I am."
Mai Zetterling. Legendary swedish actress...among other things obviously
" No, no.. it wasn´t someone I knew, so I don´t give a fuck."
unknown man in Kyomushugi kyou 2010 wich is a japanese moviescript I´m writing on; the english title is Nihilism in 2010.
"It is by doubting that we come to investigate, and by investigating that we recognize the truth."
Peter Abelard, french philosopher
"Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them."
"The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best."
Jean-Paul Sartre, french philosopher, author
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein, jewish/german scientist
"Il vient plus près la maman ! ! Maman ! ! ! S'il vous plaît la maman ! "
Anaïs Salon to her mother Geneviéve in Voyerisme, a french movie I´m writing on.
The translation is; "It comes closer mama!! Mama!!! Please mama!"
"I just took away what was covering it."
An unknown stone sculptists on how he managed to make a statue
"I´m not having any ambition to become big, I allready am, all I need to do is convince you all that I am."
pekinobo Yanagisawa, obviously a genius
"politicians are the true conspiracy teorists and a form of "humanistic dictators". Why? They all convince you on the fact that if you don´t listen or vote for them, something bad is gonna happen."
pekinobo Yanagisawa
"Being mean isn´t funny at all Momoko thinks, but be funny, now that Momoko think is fun"
Momoko Yanagisawa, wife and menthor
"I never desired to become a legend, but after a while I thought; I am"
pekinobo Yanagisawa
"i think the world has indeed lost its mind... the world is insane."
Ashika Gogna, actress
"The planet is important, without it we all floath in space."
Momoko Yanagisawa
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I know it´s a beatles song..
Might change the title to something more fitting like; How do I duplicate myself?
First thing; as usuall I have no recolection of time, or what day it is. It´s not that bad as it sounds really. Beside the fact that I really need a duplicit of myself.
Not maby that my life is that great, but you know, like Michael Keaton in that movie who has to little time on his hands so he goes along with this experiment so he can have another him (or however you say it). He soon learns that one duplicet is not enough, sure everything goes out of hand so he creates another one, and another...finally, as I remember it, it is five of him.
The thing is, I miss the time when I had time - or took the time to watch videos on youtube, for example. i struck me actually some minutes ago. I´ve been unloyal to some of the people I´ve subscribed to. Sumimasen (or sorry in english).
Don´t know if it makes any sense whatsoever, since I put myself in this spot.
But writing on the moviescripts sure takes a lot of time.
So does the comics i draw.
Watching movies and writing reviews on them.
Actually I took a time of yesterday and watched some Gail Kim matches from TNA, RAW and Smackdown.
Gail Kim
Some of the matches and the moves she makes are insane.. sure it´s entertainment (fake matches and so on), but oboy oboy..
Anyway, about the need of having a second pekinobo. Maby there is more to life then just writing, drawing, watching movies.. no wait I take that question back. It´s all about honesty. This is who I am and I can´t change that. But if the proposition would come; do you want a dublicate? the answer would be; yes.
The sad(?) thing though is that the other one would do the same thing as the normal me. So, why cheat? It wouldn´t be fair.
And I also think I lost/forgot my password to youtube. Wich can be restored only if I mail them and wanna have back my password, atleast I think so. But that will have to do another day or night.
On the other hand, having a second pekinobo would actually give me the time to visit Momos and Yukis graves... "HUFF"
so, anyone, Give Me the Serum of Duplication. I Do Need it!
And that´s all for now. Take care and...sleep tight if you have the time.
Note, this is not me. But I might end up like this..Infact I usually faint before I can get some sleep
Might change the title to something more fitting like; How do I duplicate myself?
First thing; as usuall I have no recolection of time, or what day it is. It´s not that bad as it sounds really. Beside the fact that I really need a duplicit of myself.
Not maby that my life is that great, but you know, like Michael Keaton in that movie who has to little time on his hands so he goes along with this experiment so he can have another him (or however you say it). He soon learns that one duplicet is not enough, sure everything goes out of hand so he creates another one, and another...finally, as I remember it, it is five of him.
The thing is, I miss the time when I had time - or took the time to watch videos on youtube, for example. i struck me actually some minutes ago. I´ve been unloyal to some of the people I´ve subscribed to. Sumimasen (or sorry in english).
Don´t know if it makes any sense whatsoever, since I put myself in this spot.
But writing on the moviescripts sure takes a lot of time.
So does the comics i draw.
Watching movies and writing reviews on them.
Actually I took a time of yesterday and watched some Gail Kim matches from TNA, RAW and Smackdown.
Gail Kim
Some of the matches and the moves she makes are insane.. sure it´s entertainment (fake matches and so on), but oboy oboy..
Anyway, about the need of having a second pekinobo. Maby there is more to life then just writing, drawing, watching movies.. no wait I take that question back. It´s all about honesty. This is who I am and I can´t change that. But if the proposition would come; do you want a dublicate? the answer would be; yes.
The sad(?) thing though is that the other one would do the same thing as the normal me. So, why cheat? It wouldn´t be fair.
And I also think I lost/forgot my password to youtube. Wich can be restored only if I mail them and wanna have back my password, atleast I think so. But that will have to do another day or night.
On the other hand, having a second pekinobo would actually give me the time to visit Momos and Yukis graves... "HUFF"
so, anyone, Give Me the Serum of Duplication. I Do Need it!
And that´s all for now. Take care and...sleep tight if you have the time.
Note, this is not me. But I might end up like this..Infact I usually faint before I can get some sleep
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The fema camps
Hoops sorry, the movie is called The crazies.
In Ogden Marsh, opening season means baseball and spring season..or how was it
The local sheriff David Dutten (Timothy Olyphant) is like most of the people in
Ogden Marsh on the opening baseball game, his wife Judy (Radha Mitchell) works
as a doctor, everyone knows one another. The fat major in town is sunbathing by
his pool..no wait I´m getting sidetracked here.
A man comes walking across the field with a shotgun in his hand, sheriff Dutten
and his deputy Russel Clank is gonna have a lot of things to do this spring,
more then they can handle to be honest.
A lot of people have said that this was a good horror movie, so since I´m an
old horror fan myself I decided to watch it a few hours ago for the first time.
I do like it as a horror, but maby from different reasons then most people have
reviewed it as - and that ain´t becouse women are being tied up and gagged. See
more below in the spoiler section.
The acting is ok, we get what we want from an infection/zombie movie basicly. It
is in some scenes really well shot and the actionscenes are thrilling without
being horrific. Haven´t seen the original Romero movie (shame on me), but to my
knowledge they are in some way different and in some way the same movie.
The crazies is a solid rent, for those horror fans that haven´t seen it yet,
the bonus for us is the short scenes of Judy and Becca strapped on some beds. I
wouldn´t have mind if that scene have lasted longer though, or they could
atleast have shown when they where strapped down, we however got to see Judy
being dazed by anesthetic ^_^ <---- asian smily face
Judy on a stretcher
And another one screams aswell
Beware of Spoilers!!!
The people are getting crazy (see the title). A biological weapon has been
created, according to a man; "it was designed to destabilize the population".
Now that quote comes 2/3 into the movie, but I´ve allready guessed that so was
the case.
So what about the fema camps?
The military comes in and take people and put them in camps, just to have them
all killed. So this might not sound like anything disturbing right?
Well as the movie goes along, we kind of cheers for the normal people - who
tries to survive - little do they know that this has been engineered from
scientists. However the man who tells them about the infection/virus doesn´t
say on whom it was ment to be "destabilized on", other then he says "we didn´t
wanted it to be used on our own".
So people in the small town are send into these camps, as stated above, our
"heroes" flee. They meet infected people - who we as viewers are supposed to be
scared of/frightened by and certanly think "what kind of monsters they are, they
shouldn´t be free"...
Did I mentioned that the people in the small town, whom have the infection, has
been sent into camps? By trains? (By trains you automatichly will feel symphaty
for the infected = your unconscious mind will think; the holocaust victims in
WW2. Since they where sent to deathcamps via trains).
But as further as the story goes, the infected ones get more and more unhuman
and the logical is to think "they need to be stoped".
We who see this as a propaganda for NWO, see through this at once. But, as you
sure can imagine - the town people have been viewed via satelite and the way it
ends it makes sure that you will be left with a feeling of that resistence is
....or, we can just enjoy it for the fact that it is another horror movie on the
"infection/zombie" theme. And as a bonus, Radha Mitchell as Judy is being
strapped up on a table (so is Danielle Panabaker as Becca) and later on Judy is
also tied to a chair.
oooooh Goooood!!! David! David! oooooh ooooh
Are you ok?
No... not really.
Official sites
French site
It is a remake of the 1973 George A Romero film
More on the FEMA camps
Promo pics
Paris by Night of the Living Dead
Grégory Morin delivers yet another short film, this is only 12 minutes and someone please give him more money so he can do a full lenght movie. Everyone, atleast horrorfans, recognise the title; Night of the living dead as the Romero classic. This is as much as spoof of it as it is a homage to more funny zombie movies. And believe me, this one is funny as h*ll.
After all we got the greatest french fotball player of all time making a fun cameo as a zombie. Zombies driving motorcycles, a japanese zombie - whom ofcourse wanna take pictures, guns that has endless of ammo, guts, splatter, blood, a hot girl (Karin Testa as La jeune mariée, she was also Yasmine in Xavier Gens Frontière(s)). Bad CGI effects wich fits the story.
Apolacyptic grey colours, nitty gritty scenes and lots of fun.
La jeune mariée in action
And yes, you can use bazookas on zombies.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Restless Souls
Mary (Ahmo Hight) gets kidnapped by….eh…Sheats..from the bed??
And it gets worse.
The kidnapping is about to happen
Mary and her husband tend to stay the night in an mansion after their car has got some trouble. They makes love in the shower, but still, Mary is in the bed getting felt upon by an unseen force. He doesn´t know that the one he makes love to in the shower is only an entity (or something like that). In this mansion, evil spirits lurks - the most evil of them all; the devil.
The lovescene with the entity
Restless souls is a movie to either totally love or totally hate. It´s not a violent movie so if you looking for that, don´t bather with this one.
An former civil war general has made a pact with the devil and all the devil need is an virgin to mate with.
Beside one of the most corny kidnapping scenes ever (I think it´s fair to say that - check the link below and judge for yourself) there also is an semi rape - take note that is more like an sexscene with struggle if that make any sense.
This demon has good taste
Some "scary" images are also in restless souls. It happens when a group is sent to the mansion in hope to rescue/find Mary before it´s to late... yeah. Each and everyone of the group has a special power, one of them can see things by touching objects. So when she wanders around naked in the mansion hallway - don´t ask me why - she encounters a demon who starts to grab her "female regions"
, now when you read that, it may sound disturbing wich I can understand, but the way it is displayed it is more "erotic" in a bad b-movie way. Well the entire cast (read Ahmo Hight) is most known for their erotic B-movies and this ain´t exactly an acadamy award winning movie. It is not an awful movie either.. or is it?
This general makes sure that everything goes like plans...and he likes to watch.
Haven´t decided yet if I hate or love/like this one. Interresting to watch nevertheless. And yes, Ahmo Hight is so extremely hot!
-That´s it, increase the seed and create a whole new world…
Where she gets attacked in bed
Another sexscene from the movie
Amho Hight is a former fitness profile and she won the Miss Body fit Bay 1994.
In 1997 she started to act and it has mostly been in semi porno/erotic movies - b movies.
Sometimes she goes under the name Amho Hite.
Amho also have done a movie with the late Anna Nicole Smith.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Schiave bianche: violenza in Amazzonia
a.k.a. Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story
a.k.a Cannibal Holocaust 2: The Catherine Miles Story
a.k.a. Forest slave
Catherine Miles ( Elvire Audray ) a blonde naive 18 year girl goes to the amazon rainforest to live whit her parents. She has been living in London together with her fathers sister and her husband. After graduation Catherine goes with her parents on their boat, exploring the amazon river. What also later on will be explored is young Catherines naked you body by some headhunters and their enemies; a cannibalistic tribe.
Row row row your boat gently down the stream
As much as this is a unofficial sequal to Ruggero Deodato´s cannibal holocaust wich was made to believe a real event captured on film.
Schiave bianche also tries to captivate the original Cannibal holocaust movie popularity. Does it work, or does Schiave bianche makes it on it own?
The movie is ” based on real events ” and are told as a courtcase, we see and hear both the procecutors and Catherine speak as the story is told in pictures.
Catherine has been kidnapped by the headhunters and she manages to escape while the laughing headhunters are chasing her.
Franco Prosperi (script) and Mario Gariazzo (director) tries to tell the same story, no surprise here as Ruggero did; the white men causes trouble when encountering a native tribe and their lifes.
Sure their way of life and their punishment for adultery are brutal and savage, not by any means as in Cannibal holocaust though.
But the ” civilised men ” are infact more brutal; as for example, throwing bombs at the locals, blasting a kids head into pieces …
Unfortunatly they also has some real animal killings in this, it´s an as much standard in cannibal movies as rain and tunder is in any normal slasher movie.
However, it is unfair to call Schiave bianche a cannibal movie. It is how strange and cheesy it may sound, a movie about love and innocent.
So, is this a movie you need to have or watch? I say if you are a completist, as in you need to have all cannibal movies and the unofficial cannibal holocaust sequals, then by all means get this.
Do Not expect a brutal gutstomach horror movie though.
If you watch it as a movie, without any relation to the original cannibal genre you might be really dissapointed.
No actual rape, short scenes of Catherine being tied up and a ” penetrating scene ” where the focus is on her face.
Where will this go?
Schiave bianche is a movie that you may and maby should avoid, that is if you´re not a completist and are in strong need of having everything about native tribe movies.
I felt ashamed that they´d touched my naked body everywhere…
So you were´nt raped?
No, they treated me as a child
You, woman, my brother now
A clip from the movie. Warning - contains Big Spoilers.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
To review an documentary is not an easy thing, predicting the future is even harder.
Michael Ruppert is an former L.A.P.D. officer, now he has since many years working as a freelance/independent writer/reporter.
he sits on a chair and more or less talks about the end of our civilazation...
Sounds scary?
Maby even does it sounds like a conspiracy theorist?
To quote Ruppert in the movie; " Sure I´ve been called a conspiracy theorist. But I don´t deal with conspiracy theoris, I deal with conspiracy facts."
The doomsday has nothing to do with 2012, the nibiru or anything close to that - google or do your own search on that, becouse I wont deal with that here.
According to Michael Ruppert the downfall of the civilised(?) world is an catastrophe waiting to happen, or even worse - it is allready happening.
As you can understand this is a documentary. And unlike for example Michael Moores documentarys (wich is a completely other topic wich I might go into someday), Chris Smiths Collapse is done without any humor or uplifting scenes. Atleast at first sight.
After being bombarded with a feeling that this is indeed the end of our way of life - the oil is slowly dissapearing, the echonomy is collapsing, the uprising of people (revolutions), war and other things that no one wants, Ruppert gives us some points that accordingly to him will save this planet and the human race.
There would in some way be a point in writing down right here; Quoting Ruppert that is - on how this planet can be saved. But, I really don´t see any point in that. It´s like if I would have lost faith in you all. It´s like if I would think "hey, they can´t think or act, let me do it for them." So in short terms - see the documentary for yourself - it´s only 82 minutes - and you self be the judge or jury (maby both?) on what you wanna believe or disbelieve. React, don´t react, think, or just run away from the problems. Maby Ruppert is right on one thing atleast - "If you´re in a camp and a bear attacks. You don´t have to be faster then the bear, you just have to be faster then the slowest camper."
One thing though that is completely true that Ruppert says, and no one can (well ofcourse you can) argue on this; oil will not last forever.
In some ways Collapse is in all its depressing nature an uplifting documentary.
Some might call it an paranoid mans vision.
Some might call it a true wake up call.
Myself I call it a horrormovie in dialog.
The reason why?
If we look at whole this thing that he is presenting, wich he has warned about for aproximently 20 years (according to his own words in the documentary) we should be scared. And is many things, only the future will tell.
Official Trailer
More on the movie
Michael Ruppert official site
And his blog (not sure though if this is his official)
Monday, August 2, 2010
The border between Juárez - Mexico and El Paso - USA over 340 women has been raped and murdered.
Eva Jimenez (Maya Zapata)
is one of the young workers who has been attacked, beaten and raped. Some say that the victims are 340, Alfonso Diaz (Antonio Banderas) a newspaper editor in Juarez however say that it might be as much as 5.000 women.
Eva getting raped
Lauren Adrian (Jennifer Lopez) is an reporter from Chicago who unwillingly goes down to Juárez to write about the murders. She starts to get personally involved as she and Alfonso (Antonio Banderas) digs deeper into the case.
The great thing about this movie is to see “3 generations” of female latinas in leading roles; Sonia Braga, Jennifer Lopez and Maya Zapata. The best performance of them is by Maya Zapata, who is close to amazing in her role as the raped 16 year old girl.
3 latinas; Maya Zapata - Jennifer Lopez - Sonia Braga
The bad things in my opinion is at first that Lauren seems more interrested in writing the story and getting famous then caring for the real people and the victims. However that changes as also her life is in jeopardy…
As much as this movie tries to tell the story about these horrific cases it does it in a way that makes me feel kind a dumb.
When you have the keypersons in the story telling and yelling that this is not humanity and it is wrong, for me anyway it takes away the real atmosphere and meaning. Don´t get me wrong, it´s an important movie (it raises the awarness of this case) and a good movie aswell.
It seems more like an promotionmovie for amnesty and other civilright movements, then a movie about the true massmurdering and massrapes.
Allthough it may sound like a really brutal movie, com on 340 kills and rapes, it is a R-Rated movie or as for Germany it only became a PG12.
Bordertown focus more on the actual case and it also, as mentioned above, is to raise questions. An extra plus though for it “blames and asks” about civilrights (the workers are slaves).
Don´t expect any brutal rape, even though the additional details under the imdb link says so.
However a good solid and important movie. And yes, Maya Zapata is an actress to keep an eye on. Her future is bright. Ironicly though, Jennifer Lopez career seems to have gone downhill after this movie.
- Will she be able to do this?
- She crawled out of her own grave..
Site from the production company
More on the real events
Read more about Amnestys work
The result of the rape
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