Sunday, August 8, 2010

Restless Souls

Mary (Ahmo Hight) gets kidnapped by….eh…Sheats..from the bed??
And it gets worse.

The kidnapping is about to happen

Mary and her husband tend to stay the night in an mansion after their car has got some trouble. They makes love in the shower, but still, Mary is in the bed getting felt upon by an unseen force. He doesn´t know that the one he makes love to in the shower is only an entity (or something like that). In this mansion, evil spirits lurks - the most evil of them all; the devil.

The lovescene with the entity

Restless souls is a movie to either totally love or totally hate. It´s not a violent movie so if you looking for that, don´t bather with this one.

An former civil war general has made a pact with the devil and all the devil need is an virgin to mate with.
Beside one of the most corny kidnapping scenes ever (I think it´s fair to say that - check the link below and judge for yourself) there also is an semi rape - take note that is more like an sexscene with struggle if that make any sense.

This demon has good taste

Some "scary" images are also in restless souls. It happens when a group is sent to the mansion in hope to rescue/find Mary before it´s to late... yeah. Each and everyone of the group has a special power, one of them can see things by touching objects. So when she wanders around naked in the mansion hallway - don´t ask me why - she encounters a demon who starts to grab her "female regions"

, now when you read that, it may sound disturbing wich I can understand, but the way it is displayed it is more "erotic" in a bad b-movie way. Well the entire cast (read Ahmo Hight) is most known for their erotic B-movies and this ain´t exactly an acadamy award winning movie. It is not an awful movie either.. or is it?

This general makes sure that everything goes like plans...and he likes to watch.

Haven´t decided yet if I hate or love/like this one. Interresting to watch nevertheless. And yes, Ahmo Hight is so extremely hot!

-That´s it, increase the seed and create a whole new world…

Where she gets attacked in bed

Another sexscene from the movie

Amho Hight is a former fitness profile and she won the Miss Body fit Bay 1994.
In 1997 she started to act and it has mostly been in semi porno/erotic movies - b movies.
Sometimes she goes under the name Amho Hite.
Amho also have done a movie with the late Anna Nicole Smith.

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