Saturday, October 2, 2010

When I´m 64

If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door,
Will you still need me, will you still feed me...

The famous words from The Beatles song. So why writing about that now? Does it have somethiung to do that the french government (President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan) to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60. All becouse accordingly to them " becouse the echonomy depends on it."

So, working two years longer doesn´t seems that hard?
But what we have to understand, people live becouse out of free will and work is not (in most cases) a free will. Work is something that is essential - a Must, to make things barely worth living. That Is a fact, a solid and honest fact. So, the reteriment is something that a lot of people are looking forward to - not only becouse having sparetime and hopefully to be able to do things as long as You can without getting extra help.

By raising this to 62 instead of todays 60, two more years, LESS, to live and enjoy life. But it may get even worse "Unions hope the turnout will oblige the government to back down over the flagship reform of Sarkozy's five-year term, which would also raise the age at which people can retire on a full pension to 67 from 65."

So, no wonder that 2.9 million had marched against this legislation. As I wrote in Vive La Révolution back in July this year; Paris, the mother of city protests - every year approximantly 1.000 protests is held - Every Year.

French daily newspaper L'Humanite showed more than 70 percent of people backed the day of action.
In Sweden we have 65-67 (that is you can if you will and are healthy enough, work untill you get 67) before you can get an pension.
In Japan it is 62,1 year before you can go into retirement.

More on the protest in France

And wouldn´t it be better to have younger people pushed into the work as early as possible, like 20-22, the don´t have to be unemployed, they certanly don´t have as high sallory as a 60 year man/woman. So they can save money...oooh the preassure money. And these 60+ workers has a time to enjoy life more. And Bosses, directors of borders, politicians, believe me; You Do Not Need All Your Cash You Get.

I do hope that the french people has once again seen the face of capitalism and won. VIVE LA RÈVOLUTION - beaucoup d'amour les gens de France, Nous montrer comment protester!!

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