Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grizzly Man


A stunning, sometimes surrealistic documentary about Timothy Treadwell who lived 13 summers with wild life grizzly bears in Alaska.
Timothy was in october 2003 killed by a grizzly bear and this is the story about his life.

Early on we see Timothy as some kind off naive man, maybe even a dreamer, who loves bears more then anything. By the scenery, the beautiful landscape of the Alaska wilderness and the beauty of the bears, I can in some way understand him and feel someway the same thing he felt.
Halfway into the documentary, we get another view of Timothy, a man who is maybe more dangerous to himself then the bears was and that is the surrealistic part in this.

Timothy lives close with the bears and consider them as his friends, he even speaks with them as an adult does to children. Timothy was spending most of his time there all alone and it got me thinking, if the lonelyness somehow got the best of him, turning him into this (somehow) naive and lovefull person (his love for the bears).

Werner Herzog, who have done the documentary out of over 100 hours photage that Timothy has shoot narrates us through the story - it actually feels more like a fabricated story then a real life story. Or as Herzog says; It seems to me like this landscape of termoile is a metaphore of his soul.

It is hard to grasp, to understand or to know a man who lived and shoot over 100 hours of his time with the grizzlys, the documentary is in 103 minutes, but we get a somehow reflection of him and his dedication.
If this review or the documentary does Timothys life and passion justice? We will probably never know, but what we do know is that he loved bears more then anything and sometimes that is more then enough.

Official trailer

Timothy Treadwell (1957–2003)

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