Friday, July 10, 2009

Bad comix

Yeah, some really worthless comicwriters are gonna get it now.
Seriously now, how can some even dare to show some of the stuff that they do and then ask you to pay for reading their comics?
I have a lot of issues, I know that, but in this country there are so many really really worthless comicwriters and they all can sell their stuff. what the hell is wrong with people?

ok ok, show us the stuff some might think so we can look and judge for our self.
Then I must ask you, have you read what this post was about? Clearly you haven´t, trust me, theese comics are so badly written and drawn that I could do way better when I was under surgery and full of anaesthetic.
oooh he´s just jellous looool and so on some might think...
No I asure you that I ain´t jelous, becouse they do really suck. Try to put a pencil on a wild racoonbear while he´s having been hit by an airplane (yeah I know racoonbears don´t fly, but you get my point) and then ask him to draw a comic. I promise you that it would be a masterpiece.
Have you ever seen a racoonbear draw a comic?
So you still think that the bears comic wouldn´t be a masterpiece.
See the headlines in some of the biggest tabloids "A racoon have just complited his first ever comic" .. ""The sensational racoonbear"... "The third wonder of this millennium" and so on..

Nah, I can´t take it, I put up a famous comic cartoon from this awful shitty country. Judge by yourself. And remember, don´t blame me.

or what about this fuck?

Hell, even disney looks like a genius (and I do hate disney)

I will do a tribute part of thoose whos work i do really dig.

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