Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ok, I know Michael Jackson was big, he ment a lot to a lot of people around the world. He did some really great music (mainly I´m speaking of the Thriller album here) great dancer and so on.
let him rest, let him sleep in peace and let his family mourn in peace. Showing his "funeral" live?
Com on!!

Hey, wait a minute, maby his family wanted to air this?
Well that´s even more bizarre and, yeah, wacko then Michael ever was...or was he really?

If you don´t like it, simply don´t watch it, don´t listen to it or do not read about it. Is it that simple?

What is even more bizarre, or maby not as much bizarre but still. I don´t follow the media that much, becouse the media sucks ass, literally.
But make no misstake about it when I was chocked that reading (watching a youtube video to be honest) that usa has launched a missile out in the pacific and that North Korea also have done the same shit?!?!?!??!?! Seriously, I nearly shit my pants, but then I noticed that the video was posted in June 7...WHAT? Where the hell have I been the last month?
I more ore less felt like Lloyd from Dumb & dumber (hilarious movie by the way) reading an old newspaper in the bar and running out shouting "We landed on the moon!!" Like 40+ years to late.

Well the world didn´t end.

I guess it will in 2012.. Mayan rules!!

Other from that..? Who cares really. I just can´t wait to get my Martyrs DVD. That´s all for now.

I do want that sweater Matsuura Aya is wearing. I wouldn´t mind pinching her nose...or maby just look at it In real life or IRL for all you who have way to busy lifes that you even can´t read 3 words and instead make a abbreviation of it.

Well to end this with an quotation, this time from the wedding singer, where Adam Sandlers character says "I have the michrophone, so you just have to listen to every god damn word I have to say"

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