Friday, July 23, 2010

The insanity continues

Something that has happened during the last weeks is the following.

A man has been jailed in sweden for childporographic pictures on his computer. That´s a good thing he got jailed right.
Now, to the big controversy about the whole thing. It was manga.
Sweden is extremly hard on these things, the hardest there is in europe. However the law is, as many laws, full of controversy and double moral. We may think whatever we want about the whole "idea" of comparing manga comics to childpornography. I will give some examples of some of the mangas that are being sold in various stores here. You be the judge and jury on this.

Rabu hina (Love hina in english)

Chobittsu (Chobits in english)

Sukūru Ramburu (School rumble in english)

Nothing to graphic here right?
Well, it is questionable. If you feel sexually arroused by these pics then you might be a pedophile, according to a man working as a deputy assistant under secretary on the justicedepartment, he answers on the question - What is porn?; "The picture has to be sexually exciting. Different people are ofcourse stimulated by different things, but the purpose has to be to arouse sexuality."

In the closing verdict on the man, the verdict says; " Artistic freedom is only for those who paint."

So, if you feel aroused by the pics shown above... do Not come to sweden.

So, we can put these "childporno" pics in one corner and compare them to something else. Like comics that really are drawn for children

You are intitled to be upset, or you simply just see what I see; comic carachters..?
No skirt, no underwear

Tiny skirt

The bear with the tiny skirt in bed(!!!!!!!!) with a male bear...

It gets "worse"

Marie Eneman, Ph D Candidate in Informatics and Lecturer at the department of Applied IT says about the verdict; "We have to investigate what we are doing. Are we trying to criminalise thoughts?"

Conclution: Welcome to 1984.


Sabbar Kashur, jailed and convicted of rape.
The alligation; he was a arab (Palestinian), his "victim"? A jewish woman.

Tzvi Segal, one of three judges in the case, said even though sex had been consensual, the woman never would have said yes if she knew Kashur was Arab"

Conclution: Buy the DVD Marock, a movie that will teach you all something.
Review here.


So to sum this post up so no wrong facts or ideas may starts to florish on the net.

1. Comics is comics.
2. You can convict someone for rape if he has said something in familuar to "I´m great in bed, let´s have sex" and later on you start thinking, "well I give him a 8 out of 10". So, he wasn´t perfect, SUE HIM!!!!
Or, he didn´t have the job he said he had, infact he flips burgers on Burger king and Not on McDonalds.
3. Marock is a GREAT movie.
4. F U all NAZIS and RACISTS

No links for the manga/childpornography issue, becouse the links are all in swedish and no english, french, japanese, korean links can be found.

And, more movie reviews to come.

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