Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vive La Révolution

221 years ago; in 1789, the first off, so far two revolution in France took place. The Bastille was stormed by an uprising and angry, hungry and frustrated mass of people.

The second, it started with Gaspar Noés 2002 masterpiece Irréversible.

Le temps détruit tout - Time destroys everything

Time destroys everything, indeed it does.

Now I am a man for peace and not a man of historical knowledge, however... the times we all faces today all over the world; echonomic disaster, politicals lack of humanity, the ever growing greed of wealthy men & women. I am surprised that people haven´t uprised earlier - if we don´t count the cinematic revolution that is.

It is more or less the same situation today as it was back in 1789. The upperclass, the nobles, the rich people was living in luxury when the not so lucky ones had a huge tax due to foreign war (the american civil war for example).

When or if is the third revolution take place?
Or has it allready started?

On November 2 2005 the french Molins and Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy wanted the streets of Paris to be cleared with a hose. Why?
Thursday 27 October 2005 two young boys where killed by the police. It started a wave of uprising, riots held on for ten days until Nicolas Sarkozy maintained that "the dead teenagers had not been "physically pursued" by the police" This however was untrue.

The head of the Direction centrale des renseignements généraux found no Islamic factor in the riots, while the New York Times reported on 5 November 2005 that "majority of the youths committing the acts are Muslim, and of African or North African origin" local youths adding that "second-generation Portuguese immigrants and even many children of native French have also taken part."

The February 23, 2005 law on colonialism, voted by the UMP conservative majority, stating that the "positive consequences" of colonization must be taught to students, created a wide uproar, including among many university teachers outraged by what they have called a mark of "historical revisionism", and an infringement on the legal principle of academic freedom.

On November 2 2005, Washington post wrote "But the revelations of widespread prisoner abuse in Afghanistan and Iraq by the U.S. military -- which operates under published rules and transparent oversight of Congress -- have increased concern among lawmakers, foreign governments and human rights groups about the opaque CIA system"

So where these single events? That had no connection to one another?
Did they happen for a reason?

And most importantly; have the leaders not learned anything?

Paris, the mother of city protests - every year approximantly 1.000 protests is held - Every Year. The french knows their rights and their rights have once again been neglected as well for the rest of us.

Will we maby have to face another May 1968 protest? Where 10 MILLION people protested. In 2008... a man named Nicolas Sarkozy said that '68 legacy should be "liquidated" once and for all."

Maby the people do have had enough, not even in the world of cinema.

Protestations dîtes criminelles si tu les as outragés
Ils mentent lorsqu'ils disent que le mal-être n'est que passager
Puis s'étonnent quand la nature se rebelle comme un peuple enragé
Ils disent être transparent alors que de sang, leurs mains sont tachées

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