Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It is someones faulth

it has to.

It is always someones faulth, not your own.

Confusing perhaps.

Anyway. I just checked a video out, the poster is kind a cute hehe that´s the reason why I subscribed in the first place. So...

We all have heard about the neo fascists around the world claiming that muslims try to expand their religion by building mosque where they live. ooooh beware of the muslims they say.

But let´s take a look at when some other religion are spreading "their" religion.

Let´s say that some "muslim country" would promote a movie about what they think is - A big step/accomplisment.
That would surely be the big big talk and buzz now wouldn´t it?
And would that be bad if they did?

Now, there is a movie - a documentary in some way - about christianitys way/progress in - as the tagline says; The new asia.
So, when you hear asia and thinking about religion you mostly thinking of Budda right?
Well there is a big big country that is called India and it has over 1 billion people living there. +
Over 800.000.000 (that is 800 millions) are Hindu. nearly 8 millions are buddhists, 138 millions are muslims, 24 millions are christian...
Close to 40% of the citicens of India follows/practise 2 religions.

In China, another big country... you get my point in this right?

The thing is, is it right or wrong to "promote" religion via movies/documentarys?
Troughout history people have been claiming "their" religion being right (well not all religions has done it, some more violent then others offcourse). Spreading or sharing their believes is a good thing... I guess.

Personally I don´t have any issues against any religion. If people want to believe that is fine with me.
The "issue" here is if it have been a documentary coming out (there might be some allready so what do I know) about some other religion/-s strong and influationing progress in some part of the world where it hasn´t been so strong before. Would people be "confused" or "upset"? I think so. Not sure why though.

And just to make this clear, if I would call myself a religious guy it would be shintoist.
Have friends who are followers of christianity, muslims, buddhism, shintoism, crow (yes the native americans), agnostic.
So, if even a fucked up person as myself can get along with anyone, so can you - either you believe in something or not.

On the other hand; Do not believe, Know.

More on the documentary can be found here

Info about shintoism

" No two of the products of creation are alike. From this we know that although the number of things is infinite, at bottom there is nothing without yin or yang [which differentiate them]. From this we know also that the transformations and changes in the universe are due to these two fundamental forces."
Written by : Chang Tsai, (1020-1078), about Yin & Yang

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