Monday, March 29, 2010

The movie script

I had to take a break from writing.

As much as this really getting inside my head, the horror - sublimitive horror or a dark sad story, more of a drama maby. It has some scenes in it that.. it scares me.
Writing this script is the most daring thing I ever done, those who have read things I´ve written before either it´s short stories, comics, nightmares, views of the political dissaster that is today.. you might understand how daring this is.

I´m not sure if this can ever be made as I want, but without trying we will never know.

Rewritten a scene some minutes ago (not complet yet) and the feeling it gave me, I think I need a light on by my bed later tonight.

But for now, my head screams for some rest. So, what do I do?
1. Take a nap?
2. Continue on the script?
3. Write a review of one of the most chocking horror movies ever?
4. draw some scenes for the movie?

Well not #1 anyway. I might be stupid but I can be awake some minutes longer.

And as much as i love quotes I have to quote Homer Simpsons when he was a truckdriver.
"Must stay awake. Must work harder. Must stay awake, must work harder then I ever..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznoooooore"

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