Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Various things

I am so tired, as always. So I have to relax some and write about stuff that.. whatever.

Being confused about a number of things recently.

Some weeks ago I was writing to a friend in japanese, some in korean, some in french, some in english.. offcourse, you "know me" I got it all mixed up totally in the end. Answered one of them in japanese - she is french. Judge by her surprise when she read the text and understood absolutelly Nothing. Hey she´s smart but I am an asshole haha..

or was it the other way around? Writing in french when she was japanese? You get the picture now don´t you. I mix up things completely lately.
I am amazed that I can find my own bed sometimes..

on the other hand, have fainted 2 times during the last 3 days. Have woke up on the floor - so I can´t apparently find my bed..might sell it, the bed that is. But with all the mixed up things lately there is a chance that I sell my DVD collection - just by misstake.

The moviescripts goes ok.
The comics goes better.

And a new issue of a BDSM comic magasine is on it´s way also. ordered and shipped some hours ago

Did some moviereviews some hours ago. Now 353 members, way to go. Hey it´s more then 352 so, stay possitive.

Also, realised I didn´t have any shoes on while going outside for a smoke... this can not end well. On the other hand I was drawing feets, nope ain´t a foot fetish - simply becouse feet tends to smell and you smell with oyur? Give me an answer and you might win a trip to Bahamas (you pay for the ticket but hey you might be as easily fooled as me..)

Noses... what can I say? Adore them.

Misses Momo sans nose so much. Kono ai wa eien Momo san "HUFF" <----- Always write that after mentioning her, so don´t get "worried" that I mix up things now...behave dear anonymous reader.

anonymous, I like my anonymous life..on the other hand some girl (hold your horses, she was 20..maby 21. She came up and say (translated to english)
Girl -emh..hello.
pekinobo- hello (was confused)
girl - emh..(giggles) are you pekinobo?
pekinobo - eeemh, yes I am.

She then looked over her shoulder and then back to me and sayd.
- can you sign my pants? She was unzipping them so her thongs where vissuable,
-Sign here, she said and pointed.
-I sign on a peace of paper I told her.
So I did.
Went away and after some minutes I started to think to myself. Who was she and how did she know me?
Does she live nearby?
Why wanted she a autograph inside of her jeans?
------ and why didn´t I ask for a favour?
Like touching her nose? She wouldn´t probably like it, but I would have I see, I forgot to look at her nose as we was talking.

Clumpsy me.

19 DVDs are on it´s way in here in 1-2 weeks time.

Did I write about Marock? The first movie of Morjana Al Alaoui? I got that now but haven´t seen it yet.

Later on she did Martyrs

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