Sunday, November 28, 2010

2012 Doomsday

In Mexico an nature disaster and radical changes in the climate is about to happen, the climate quickly goes from sunshine to snow.
In San Diego a gigantic tornado sweeps across town, In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Russia strange weather activity starts to unfold.

Dr Frank Richards (Dale Midkiff) and his team are in the middle of an vulcanic eruption in Mexico and the clock is ticking down to the possible last 36 hours of mankind.

In another part of Mexico a young doctor, Sarah (Danae Nason) tries to help a small village and the people living there. She meets a young pregnant woman, Wakanna (Sarah Tomko).

In San Diego another woman Susan Reed (Ami Dolenz) and her mother (Shirley Raun) tries to reach the Mayan pyramids in hope to find out why the clock is ticking down on mankind.

Those of you who wants to see this in hope of getting an action packed CGI movie do rewatch 2012 instead.
2012 Doomsday are full of religious talk about how great and mysterious god is. I don´t mind movies who mixes in religion, not at all, but in a apocalyptic full scale disater movie I don´t need to be reminded by it in every scene, more or less.
The carachters sure believes in it and with a doomsday just hours away it is somehow understandable that your mind starts to question a lot of things - but that´s another topic perhaps.

The reasons why I wanted to see this movie in the first place are that the whole 2012 myth is interresting, believable or not, it is something that we all can in some way reelate to. Mankind has always been afraid of the final hour/the final judgement and so on. So as a movielover I ain´t no different.
The mainreason however I was interrested in this movie was that Sarah Tomko stars in it.

2012 Doomsday is more about the carachters journy towards a goal; ending the end of times, then a CGI blockbuster movie that Roland Emmerich made. How strange and akward it may sound, this version has more heart then the 2009 version. Interresting to campare them and in some way it may be a misstake doing so. It also remins me of the apocalyptic warnings(?) in the 1988 movie The Seventh Sign.
We all have our beliefs and or doubts, 2012 Doomsday doesn´t make me a believer, just convincing me more that Sarah Tomko is a beautiful actress who I wanna see more of.

-The world is ending Frank.
- No it´s not, it´s changing.

Official trailer

A site on the whole 2012 myths

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