Monday, November 22, 2010


Mix War of the worlds, District 9, Stephen King´s The mist with the political racial tendencies of US against Mexico and you get Gareth Edwards Monsters.

The scientists as NASA has sent a spacecraft to outer space in hope to find alien lifeform or data that they exist. 6 years later the probe crashes between Mexico and US.
Aliens or new lifeforms as they are called starts to florish. The US and Mexican military fights together against ”the evil” creatures.
In the midle of it all an american tourist; Samantha Wynden ( Whitney Able) tries to leave Mexico and the ”infected zone” where the new treathening lifeform lives. An photographer; Andrew Kaulder (Scott McNairy) gets the job to escort her safe back to the US.

The phase of the movie is kind a slow and not so much action are happening, thank you for that - after the overhyped and rather boring District 9 - it was fresh to see a science fiction movie about aliens as the ”good guys” and the people as the ”bad guys”. Well it is more obvious in District 9, but it is actually more fitting and told in a more sad way in Monsters. The way the aliens call out to one another are similuar to the elephants funny and cute sound. The aliens itself looks like a mixture of the tripods from War of the worlds and a gigantic octopus - nice tentacles.

The strenght of Monsters are the two leads who are very humain in their roles and the feeling that we as a viewer actually are with them on their journey from the poor Mexican city via the jungle and reaching a gigantic wall on the US boarder.

As much as Monsters is an semi apocalyptic story it can be seen as a political statement (if you want to); the growing fear of Mexicans or other ”illegal immigrants” or in this case illegal aliens that are ”on it´s way to US”, the military are set in to Control the masses. But these huge aliens (they are mostly hiding and only shows themself at night) are not exactly a threat.

If you are into monster movies, science fiction or films in general do watch this.

Official US site

Official UK site

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