Monday, November 22, 2010

Ninja Assassin

Do you want a bloodbath? Then this is the movie to watch. Oh and two women are being tied up aswell.

Raizo, played by the Korean pop singer Rain, is a young man that has been trained (and even tortured/trained extremly hard) in the mythical style known as ninja.
We follow Raizo and Mika (Naomie Harris) who is an europool investigator. She investigates why so many politicians and other top key people are being killed in the most brutal way.
The legend says that when the light goes out, the ninja is coming for you.

One of many deathscenes

Raizo has turned his back against his master and now a bunch of bad ass ninjas are after him. Why he abondened the ninja clan? Without giving to much away it is becouse someone close to his heart has been killed infront of his eyes. So Raizo sets out for revenge, an revenge that will leave a lot of men and their bodyparts in his path.

Ninja assassin is a ”all boy” movie, what is there else to expect from a movie about a revengefull ninja anyway? The over the top violence is in the same style if you mixes the first Matrix (the bullet time scenes) with the most brutal/violent scenes from Frank Miller´s 300. I actually think that ninja assassin outclasses 300 on that level.

Mika on her way to rescue Raizo

The actionscenes are both mixed with slowmotion scenes and ”realtime” scenes so to speak. The actionscenes are well done, but someway so over the top that it almoust becomes laughable in the end. The movie is ment to be a serious (in those terms as a serious pop corn movie) and not an ironich movie, even though there is some tounge in cheek jokes here; as for when Raizo is captured and a police say - He doesn´t look like a killingmachine to me sir. Looks like he belongs in a boyband.

Despite all the killings, the choped off heads, legs, arms, fingers, slized bodies there is a short lovestory involved. Not that it is your thypical kind of lovestory, but it is there. Through flashbackscenes we are being introduced to Kimiko (Anna Sawai)
and how she finds her way into the soon to become coldhearted assassin Raizos heart, a heart that he has explained to her that he doesn´t have.

If you have missed this I suggest you atleast watch it once and enjoy the carnage that a ninja can leave behind.

You have a heart, it said hello.
Just becouse I was sleeping didn´t mean I didn´t hear you.


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