Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I know it´s a beatles song..

Might change the title to something more fitting like; How do I duplicate myself?

First thing; as usuall I have no recolection of time, or what day it is. It´s not that bad as it sounds really. Beside the fact that I really need a duplicit of myself.
Not maby that my life is that great, but you know, like Michael Keaton in that movie who has to little time on his hands so he goes along with this experiment so he can have another him (or however you say it). He soon learns that one duplicet is not enough, sure everything goes out of hand so he creates another one, and another...finally, as I remember it, it is five of him.

The thing is, I miss the time when I had time - or took the time to watch videos on youtube, for example. i struck me actually some minutes ago. I´ve been unloyal to some of the people I´ve subscribed to. Sumimasen (or sorry in english).

Don´t know if it makes any sense whatsoever, since I put myself in this spot.
But writing on the moviescripts sure takes a lot of time.
So does the comics i draw.
Watching movies and writing reviews on them.

Actually I took a time of yesterday and watched some Gail Kim matches from TNA, RAW and Smackdown.
Gail Kim

Some of the matches and the moves she makes are insane.. sure it´s entertainment (fake matches and so on), but oboy oboy..

Anyway, about the need of having a second pekinobo. Maby there is more to life then just writing, drawing, watching movies.. no wait I take that question back. It´s all about honesty. This is who I am and I can´t change that. But if the proposition would come; do you want a dublicate? the answer would be; yes.

The sad(?) thing though is that the other one would do the same thing as the normal me. So, why cheat? It wouldn´t be fair.

And I also think I lost/forgot my password to youtube. Wich can be restored only if I mail them and wanna have back my password, atleast I think so. But that will have to do another day or night.

On the other hand, having a second pekinobo would actually give me the time to visit Momos and Yukis graves... "HUFF"
so, anyone, Give Me the Serum of Duplication. I Do Need it!

And that´s all for now. Take care and...sleep tight if you have the time.

Note, this is not me. But I might end up like this..Infact I usually faint before I can get some sleep

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