Monday, March 29, 2010

The movie script

I had to take a break from writing.

As much as this really getting inside my head, the horror - sublimitive horror or a dark sad story, more of a drama maby. It has some scenes in it that.. it scares me.
Writing this script is the most daring thing I ever done, those who have read things I´ve written before either it´s short stories, comics, nightmares, views of the political dissaster that is today.. you might understand how daring this is.

I´m not sure if this can ever be made as I want, but without trying we will never know.

Rewritten a scene some minutes ago (not complet yet) and the feeling it gave me, I think I need a light on by my bed later tonight.

But for now, my head screams for some rest. So, what do I do?
1. Take a nap?
2. Continue on the script?
3. Write a review of one of the most chocking horror movies ever?
4. draw some scenes for the movie?

Well not #1 anyway. I might be stupid but I can be awake some minutes longer.

And as much as i love quotes I have to quote Homer Simpsons when he was a truckdriver.
"Must stay awake. Must work harder. Must stay awake, must work harder then I ever..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznoooooore"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

5 days behind

more or less.

But who´s counting?

Allready friday afternoon (yeah I live after the japanese timescale so sue me).

Actually I woke up som hour ago, on the floor, as usuall. Was more or less possitive that it was mondey. I actually did think "oh this week started off good now didn´t it?"

Judge by my surprise that it was allready friday. (Come on, atleast try to pretend that you are surprised to).

Can´t say I slept, I think I passed out actually.

Anyway, more drawings will be posted here - atleast I know one who have asked me to put something up. Thanks for your support girl.

More reviews on movies also.
More BDSM comix are also on the way.
Have quit one moviescript for now anyway. 3 is maby still 2 to many. On the other hand one of them is constantly being written on - it made me cry during some scenes.

So, spring is soon here, then after that summer follows shortly after and by then I Have to be Finished with the script. If I don´t hear from them (the movie company).. well, I´m going there by myself, with my demands, the script, the artwork for the house and scenes.
I´m obsessed with this one. Might be something to do with my authism to do... yeah, I got it. No need to panic or hiding about that. Some might (if there are any who actually read this) might go; oh, I allready suspected that.
So, life goes on, even without Momo san "Kono ai wa eien Momo san "HUFF". or the simple fact that it is friday and not monday. But, who gives a sh-t anyway?

In 15 minutes I´m supposed to laundry.. yeeeah.. good luck with that one asshole.. probably I end up in bed with aa paper and a pen, making drawings / Skisses to an manga ´that I´ll start on soon.... Yes, it is actually Momo trilogy. Just for I have the depression and feeling helpless right now, so why not work with it.

If I faint more times?
My only consern about that is; bleeeeeeeeeeh.
I need to stay awake and write, write write.

But for now, I try something uncommon - going to be and trying to sleep.

Wish me luck!!
Chinese calligraphy, meaning; Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Up on the barricades?

We all have our way of protesting, I get that.

Some makes post, comments, writes blogs, post on forums. Write songs, write books, write poems, paints, draws, makes movies. Or use their fame to speak out.

But when it comes to people who claim fighting for their beliefs, either if it may be political values - morals or whatever. And you see them back down. That makes me sad. It breaks my heart in so many ways.

Have they allready given up when they leave their bed?

I´ve asked one person to join me and work on a project (writing on a movie if anyone would like to know). But the only answer I got was; No, it will get me in trouble.

Well, the trouble is allready here.
Face it.
Either you get up or you will sit down and believe me; SHUT UP!

However I respect Your oppinion. After all, you are afraid...

"Turn on the radio, now FUCK IT turn it off! Fear is your only god on the radio!"
Vietnow - Rage Against the Machine

- The world will not be the same -

"I saw a village in ruins.
The fire and the stench.
It all made me vomit within.

Then I realised that it was not the fire or the stench that made me vomit.
It was simply and utterly that we all was witnessing the same thing.
Our freedom, the freedom we never had, it was that fench.
My spew on the dirt, it was my cry.
The tears I never could show to the outside world.
Please accept my vomit."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paroles La Rage

Ok, on a la rage mais c'est pas celle qui fait baver,
Demande à Fabe, la vie claque comme une semelle sur les pavés
La rage de voir nos buts entravés, de vivre en travers,
la rage gravée depuis bien loin en arrière
La rage d'avoir grandi trop vite quand des adultes volent ton enfance.
PARS !! Imagine un mur et abolis la rage !
Car impossible est cette paix tant voulue,
La rage de voir autant de CRS armés dans nos rues.
La rage de voir ce putain de monde s'autodétruire
Et que ce soit toujours des innocents au centre des tirs,
La rage car c'est l'homme qui a créé chaque mur,
Se barricader de béton, aurait-il peur de la nature ?
La rage car il a oublié qu'il en faisait parti,
désharmonie profonde, mais dans quel monde la Colombe est partie ?
La rage d'être autant balafré par les putains de normes,
Et puis la rage, ouais la rage d'avoir la rage depuis qu'on est môme.

(Refrain )
Parce qu'on a la rage, on restera debout quoi qu'il arrive,
La rage d'aller jusqu'au bout et là où veut bien nous mener la vie,
Parce qu'on a la rage, on pourra plus s'taire ni s'asseoir dorénavant on s'tiendra prêt parce qu'on a la rage, le coeur et la foi !
Parce qu'on a la rage, on restera debout quoi qu'il arrive,
La rage d'aller jusqu'au bout au delà où veut bien nous mener la vie,
Parce qu'on a la rage, rien ne pourra plus nous arrêter, insoumis, sage, marginal, humaniste ou révolté !

La rage parce qu'on choisit rien et qu'on subit tout le temps
Et vu que leurs chances sont bancales et bien tout équilibre fout le camp
La rage car l'irréparable s'entasse depuis un bout de temps
La rage car qu'est ce qu'on attend pour s'mettre debout et foutre le boucan La rage c'est tout ce qu'ils nous laissent, t'façon tout ce qui nous reste,
La rage, combien des notres finiront par retourner leur veste !
La rage de vivre et de vivre l'instant présent, De choisir son futur libre et sans leurs grilles d'oppressants !
La rage, car c'est la merde et que ce monde y adhère, Et parce que tout leurs champs OGM stérilisent la Terre !
La rage pour qu'un jour l'engrenage soit brisé
Et la rage car trop lisent « Vérité » sur leur écran télévisé.
La rage car ce monde ne nous correspond pas, Nous nourrissent de faux rêves pour placer leur rempart La rage car ce monde ne nous correspond pas, Où Babylone s'engraisse pendant qu'on crève en bas !!


La rage d'y croire et de faire en sorte que ça bouge, La rage d'un Chirac, d'un Sharon, d'un Tony Blair ou d'un Bush !
La rage car ce monde voit rouge mais de grisaille entouré Parce qu'ils n'entendent jamais les cris lorsque le sang coule
La rage car c'est le pire que nous frôlons,
La rage car l'Occident n'a toujours pas hôté sa tenue de colons !
La rage car le mal tape sans cesse trop
Et que ne sont plus mis au goût du jour tant de grands savoirs ancestraux
La rage, trop de mensonges et de secrets gardés les luttes de nos Etats, riche de vérité, pouvoir changer l'humanité La rage car ils ne veulent pas que ça change,hein Préférant garder leur pouvoir et nous manipuler comme leurs engins.
La rage car on croit aux anges et qu'on a choisit de marcher avec eux
La rage parce que mes propos dérangent
Vois aux quatre coins du globe, la rage du peuple en ébullition
La rage, ouais la rage ou l'essence de la révolution !

(Refrain x2)

Anticapitalistes, alter-mondialistes, ou toi qui cherche la vérité sur ce monde, la résistance de demain
( cha allah...) à la veille d'une révolution. Mondiale et spirituelle, la rage du peuple, la rabbia del pueblo, parce qu'on a la rage, celle qui fera trembler tes normes. (...Parce qu'on a la rage...)
La rage a pris la populasse et la rage est énorme

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Jess, played by Melissa George, is on a sunny sunday going out with some friends on their yacht.
Jess feels kind of nervous for the sailing but she goes on the boat, one of the girls say that she doesn´t like her and a possible tripple drama, or if want - an triangle drama is about to unfold.

Shortly after they sailed away on the clear blue ocean and the clearblue sky a storm is heading their way.
A ship comes along and the board it, Jess on the other hand feels instantly that something is verry wrong.

Christopher Smith, writer and director - he have done Creep and Severance before, really twists and turns this story maby one time to much.
At first sight Triangle seems like a madman killer movie, it clearly isn´t. It would be unjustice to give away my thoughts on what he wanna say, becouse I think the script is interresting to dive into (lame joke as much as triangle drama was.. yeah right)

I tell you what I think hes "main story" to this movie is about; as much as you want to change the past and/or the future, you can´t do that.

Triangle is set place in the famous Bermuda triangle, wich is a legendary place where many ships and plains is said to have vanished without a trace.
So to put the story there and combine that with the twist(s) and, atleast how I interpirated the story; your future is unwritten is an interresting premis for a thriller.
Or is your future maby allready written?

As long as we move along into the movie, we see various scenes in different "takes" or from different angles. It may sound like a boring movie to watch becouse of that but as it is put together - a mix between something from the Twilight zone series, a relationships drama, and a clear tribute to The shining, Triangle is taking on the path that Hellraiser: Inferno (a.k.a. Hellraiser 5) touched upon - we all have our personal hell that we dwell in. And that, is scary.

Not that this movie is gonna creep you out, it isn´t that gory or disturbing as the Hellraiser franchise is - I actually love all Hellraiser movies.
Triangle is still an entertaining movie to watch, becouse even if you might know how it´s gonna end - it is only the beginning. You will understand when or if you see it.

More reviews will come shortly

Friday, March 12, 2010

Movie lovers


We are one of a kind now aren´t we?

Have always seen myself as a huge movie fan, watching movies, writing reviews, looking at covers, rating covers, feeling covers, sleeping with vhs covers.. woh woh.. now I´m getting way out of hand - better erase..damn it, couldn´t do it.

Yeah I have slept with the vhs of Howard the duck... and Exorcist...and cannibal holocaust... can we pleeeeeeeeease move on to the topic now?

Soooo.. was watching a video of jamesnintendonerd - cinnemassacre´s videos, he shows his different formats and versions of movies, beta tape, vhs, dvd, laserdisc and something I never heard of before (CID - a gigantic disk, you know those old disk you had on your computer that had a saving capicity of 3.14MB... the CID however is as big - sizeway - as an LP or laserdisc and could contain much more information bla bla and so on)
Anyway, the most of us I guess, have allready seen some videos of him talking about his passion for movies. So let´s leave it there.

As wroten above (or do you say before?)..

Anyway, have always loved movies, not much into collecting untill recent years.
Some movies I have different "versions" of, different covers and stuff.
So, why do we buy all these different covers anyway it is after all the same movie - different covers may vary from different country/region and/or ofcourse different reeleases such as newer format or special anniversiry for the movie. Still, it is the same movie.
Interresting indeed to think about, or else I wouldn´t writing this.
For me it is mostly the feeling of "maby this reelease is a bit different???" As in new scenes, better quality in sound picture.. or whatever reason it may be.

Never have had any interrest in having different reeleases of a movie "to show off", it is for myself I buy the movies, sure if I can get someone interested in some sort of movie - whatever genre it may be - that is just a bonus, if the movie is good that is.

So, wich is the ultimate movie to own on different formats? I don´t think that movie does exist, some movies will never get an dvd or blue ray reelease (sadly so or the copy is so limited and or out of print so it is more or less impossible to get your hand on) also notable is that I do not yet own any blue ray movie or player, in time I will though.

Some movies, the old classics have the advantage to have multiple reeleases as for beta, vhs, laserdisc, dvd and even on blue ray.

Some movies are on the other hand, not the movie itself, but the whole collecting thing is getting way out of hand.
Not really sure about the exact number here but for the lord of the ring trilogy, how many times did they put those movies out anyway?
The theatrical version
the special version
Directors cut version
Gollum version
Overload massive version
Directurs cut version of theatrical version
Theatrical version of the directurs cut version
Gollums dvd version

Now the big big blockbuster avatar (now pay me some money mister Cameron, this is the second time i "advertise" for your "big big gigantic smurf pocahontas version") is being put up once again in the theaters this summer. Wow, the movie have just got premiere - actually some months ago - and they allready gonna show it again?
Well One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Milos Forman movie, was actually up in theaters for 10 years in stockholm sweden. I doubt that avatar is as good as that though.

But what do I know?
I only buy good movies anyway.

The top picture of the 3 girls are from the movie Marock.
A short synopsis;
A muslim girl falls in love with an jewish boy.
So, unite people. Movies may be just movies - they can give us hope, dreams, fantasys, nightmares, scares.. mentaly as physical, laughter, tears. Some actually at the same time

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It is someones faulth

it has to.

It is always someones faulth, not your own.

Confusing perhaps.

Anyway. I just checked a video out, the poster is kind a cute hehe that´s the reason why I subscribed in the first place. So...

We all have heard about the neo fascists around the world claiming that muslims try to expand their religion by building mosque where they live. ooooh beware of the muslims they say.

But let´s take a look at when some other religion are spreading "their" religion.

Let´s say that some "muslim country" would promote a movie about what they think is - A big step/accomplisment.
That would surely be the big big talk and buzz now wouldn´t it?
And would that be bad if they did?

Now, there is a movie - a documentary in some way - about christianitys way/progress in - as the tagline says; The new asia.
So, when you hear asia and thinking about religion you mostly thinking of Budda right?
Well there is a big big country that is called India and it has over 1 billion people living there. +
Over 800.000.000 (that is 800 millions) are Hindu. nearly 8 millions are buddhists, 138 millions are muslims, 24 millions are christian...
Close to 40% of the citicens of India follows/practise 2 religions.

In China, another big country... you get my point in this right?

The thing is, is it right or wrong to "promote" religion via movies/documentarys?
Troughout history people have been claiming "their" religion being right (well not all religions has done it, some more violent then others offcourse). Spreading or sharing their believes is a good thing... I guess.

Personally I don´t have any issues against any religion. If people want to believe that is fine with me.
The "issue" here is if it have been a documentary coming out (there might be some allready so what do I know) about some other religion/-s strong and influationing progress in some part of the world where it hasn´t been so strong before. Would people be "confused" or "upset"? I think so. Not sure why though.

And just to make this clear, if I would call myself a religious guy it would be shintoist.
Have friends who are followers of christianity, muslims, buddhism, shintoism, crow (yes the native americans), agnostic.
So, if even a fucked up person as myself can get along with anyone, so can you - either you believe in something or not.

On the other hand; Do not believe, Know.

More on the documentary can be found here

Info about shintoism

" No two of the products of creation are alike. From this we know that although the number of things is infinite, at bottom there is nothing without yin or yang [which differentiate them]. From this we know also that the transformations and changes in the universe are due to these two fundamental forces."
Written by : Chang Tsai, (1020-1078), about Yin & Yang

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Billy Mitchell is the current world record holder of the arcade game Donkey Kong that he have had during the last 25 years.
Steve Wiebe challanges the record, tapes his world record send it in and does not get recognition for it.
This is the premise of this documentary.

Billy is arrogant and self obscured by his accomplishment in the arcade classic. He got loyal friends that back him up when finally the world record is beaten by Steve.
Steve on the other hand is more like a normal guy, he got a wife and kids, he works as a teacher and only wants a fair change on a head to head match against the legend Billy Mitchell.

As when I first heard about this documentary I though in lines such as, well this is about geeks and gaming. And yes it is, but the way it is presented and edited it sure is one of the most entertainment documentarys that have come out these last years.

We got the perfect build up; old rivalry, the legend and world record holder vs the unknown newcomer. A classic tale presented in a geeky, warm and funny way.

Billys first meet with Steve, you can almoust feel the arrogance. Steve sitting and playing as Billy sneaks behind him - clearly seeing that Steve is playing. Steve turns his head and says -Billy.
Billy doesn´t answer, but adresses his wife "There´s certain people I don´t want spend to much time with."

Billy is, as you can understand an arrogant, mind miliputing person and his oneliners is something you can´t avoid to smile about.

If you get a chance to see this, if you allready haven´t, do watch it. I don´t play arcade games myself harldy any video computer or tv games either, but this is entertainment nevertheless.

"He knows what to do with the tape. He knows to guard the tape with his life.."

"It´s not about the game Donkey kong any more.."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Movie posters

After seeing a cover of a new horror movie named Red hook, I instantly come to think of Carver and babysitter wanted.

Never heard of any of them?
Maby just seen the cover..

So, before I start posting some pics, we all know that the remakes, reboots, spin off, rip offs are overfloding the market right now. Is there any new story to tell?
People don´t like changes so much (obviously), we are used to a certain kind of entertainment and that is pretty understandable, if we (the movie geeks) know what we like, why should we seek for something else? And why should the moviemakers change the succesfull formula?
Many questions and so many many remakes - even when it comes to posters.

So, is the note not supposed to be at the end, like explaining things?
Belive me, you will understand why I decided to post the "note thing" here.
I haven´t seen all these movies so I can´t comment on the storyline, but as far as some covers goes, there is a resemblance either you like it or not.
Some posters/covers are way better then the movie itself, and as you can see below; À l'intérieur has 2 covers and believe me they are well deserved.

Apparently this is even worse then I thought.

Some girl in bikini showing her butt might sell a movie, or 2.

Crossing some knifes?

Feeling sensual?

They even have done it before, copying movieposters that is.

Sometimes the even use the same acter but "reverse" the poster

About now your head is about to crack open..

Broken? Sure you are.

We need something fresh, something new.. and Quentin Tarantino was the chosen one..
Ok this one was farfetched, but see the "acid trip colours" and that face

A lonely man walks on a road after the holocaust or something like that. It symbolizes mans last hope, or something similuar

More brighter and romantic costume dramas? Same old story, use a splitscreen, put one image above the other, or was it one picture below the other? Tricky one.

The world of horror, so much simpler isn´t it? Get a house in the woods and put some red layer across the filther and voila´, you got yourself a poster.

Sneaking posters

Face to face while possibly screaming posters

Take care ^_^