Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Up on the barricades?

We all have our way of protesting, I get that.

Some makes post, comments, writes blogs, post on forums. Write songs, write books, write poems, paints, draws, makes movies. Or use their fame to speak out.

But when it comes to people who claim fighting for their beliefs, either if it may be political values - morals or whatever. And you see them back down. That makes me sad. It breaks my heart in so many ways.

Have they allready given up when they leave their bed?

I´ve asked one person to join me and work on a project (writing on a movie if anyone would like to know). But the only answer I got was; No, it will get me in trouble.

Well, the trouble is allready here.
Face it.
Either you get up or you will sit down and believe me; SHUT UP!

However I respect Your oppinion. After all, you are afraid...

"Turn on the radio, now FUCK IT turn it off! Fear is your only god on the radio!"
Vietnow - Rage Against the Machine

- The world will not be the same -

"I saw a village in ruins.
The fire and the stench.
It all made me vomit within.

Then I realised that it was not the fire or the stench that made me vomit.
It was simply and utterly that we all was witnessing the same thing.
Our freedom, the freedom we never had, it was that fench.
My spew on the dirt, it was my cry.
The tears I never could show to the outside world.
Please accept my vomit."

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