Friday, September 17, 2010

Ginî piggu: Akuma no jikken

a.k.a. Guinea pig: Devil's Experiment

Do mad men need any reason?

Somewhere in Japan, a young woman is being tied up to a chair, 3 men comes in and one of them starts to slap her face. Then the second man comes and slaps her face.

So if this sounds like a movie for you to watch, take note to these 2 things; the movie is only in 43 minutes and the torture has just started and it gets worse.

They tie her to a chair, spin her around 100 times, force her to drink a bottle of alcohol and then spin her 100 times again.

It´s also a scene where they put on a soundtrack of disturbing noice and puts headphones on her and leaves her sitting for 24hours.. in hope she will get insane.

I have questioned myself (for watching this) and others why we watch this. I still haven´t got any answer that seems satisfying enough, or moraly right.
It may not be the most brutal movie out there, but since no real explenation is giving and hardly any dialogue at all; Mostly grunts from the sick guys when they slap her, kick her.
Maby that is the strenght of Ginî piggu: Akuma no jikken? That we as viewers have to think and hopefully questioning why this is happening. Is it a revenge from the yakuza?
Is it just some silly little game or are these men just plain stupid and wicked?

However, in my opinion Ginî piggu: Akuma no jikken is one of the top 15 movies of all time (not sure if you even can call this a movie to begin with). Mostly due to the facts that we do not know why and maby we should be glad that we don´t know why this is happening.
It is still chocking, brutal and in some way it reminds me, or better yet, I think Martyrs copied some of the faceslapping scenes from this one.

It is hard to review something like this, becouse you allready from the start kind of understand the point or outcome of the movie. So I won´t go any further down the spiral so to speak. I highly recomend this, aswell as I warn you, becouse once you have seen it, you might loose some of your sanity alonge the way.

It is only 43 minutes but it feels much longer, due to the lack of dialouge and that a timer once in a while is put into the screen.
You have been warned.

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