Friday, November 27, 2009

Worthless moviereviewers

I had some time over so I checked out some forums on various movies..they where all swedish forums - you might understand why..or you don´t.

I got somehow upset, well the taste are somehow different from viewer to another viewer i totally respect that, believe me I do. But and this is a major but (if it would have been one more t in the but it could easily been misstaken for an asshole..)

So, this is what I read (translates from swedish to english).
Note, I didn´t bother to answer them, becouse you know, people will not learn, I guess, besides I was way to tired.

"This is the japanese remake from the american horrormovie Dark water.."
My answer.. what the hell?
--- Honogurai mizu no soko kara (dark water - english title) was made in 2002 by Hideo Nakata (same director as in Ringu and Ringu 2) The american remake however came out in 2005.

"First I tought that this was the original the ring..."
"It is a remake, you´re gay lol"
My answer. Yeah yeah, lol on both of you.
---- Ringu came out in 1998 in Japan, the american remake came out in 2002.

"The japanese didn´t fly their planes into the ships in pearl harbor during WW2, I have just seen pearl harbor so I know it´s true.."
My answer... heh??
------- What was I thinking? Google for yourself or something..

"Stanley Kubrick was a talanted director, his first succes came with Eyes wide shut, with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, after that his later movies was reliezed onto dvd.."
My answer.. My brain hurts...and my stomach to..
---------Honestly, my brain hurts, the stomach do the math

"Megan Fox, Jessica Alba are so good actresses, becouse they have been in movies such as Fantastic four and the othe with a surfer and Fox has made two transformers becouse she know how to handle this..."
My answer... Oh, I who tought it was becouse they run around in minimal clothing the entire movie they where in..
----- shakes my head...stomach still hurts tough

"Twilight, new moon.. oooooooh my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad what a fucvking movie and the fucking sexy boy oh my gooooooooooooooooooooood. I´m just....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih... sooooooo good."
My answer.. woow. lovely review

"One in my class say Charlie Chaplin was so great, I´m like - his movies are old and he is boring, he couldn´t do anything, Zac Effron was so much cooler in high school musical 2, he danced and sing at the same time...and he´s so damn sexy,,,,think Maja.. Zac Effron in myyyyyyyy bed...hhiihih"
My answer... hang yourself in that internetcable
------ I allready given up....

Winner for most stupid reviewer. NUMBER 1

"Hellraiser, the classic thriller from hollywwod, will now have a remake next year(2010)"
- "It´s not from hollywood dumb gay lol"
-" It is, I have seen the original they speak english"
-------Here I finally had some hope...but...
they continued, sadly enough
"Yeah, but there are other countries they speak english aswell"
"New zeeland? They made good horror in the lord of the rings, the make up effects are somehow the same as in hellraiser"...
"Yeah, it´s true.."
My answer.. get a nornal hobby that you can manage; like...?? Anything, pinch your nose or something!!!
---------- Hellraiser was made in England (1987) and it´s gore not a thriller... my head hurts and my stomach to.

Sleep tight and have wonderful time watching movies, hey, some actually like movies and learn something while watching...


. head feels better and my stomach to.


  1. Haha gillade verkligen New Moon reviewen ^_^
    Jag la upp mina favvofilmer på bdb och där fick jag massa skäll såklart över att en del var asiatiska, många dömmer ju utan att se de för de flesta verkar tro att i asien gör man bara dåliga b-filmer, porr och anime. Mest synd om de egentligen som missar så mkt bra.
