Saturday, December 19, 2009


How do i fix my monitor? It´s a mess, I can see (barely) what people have wrote - and what I write, but that´s it, can´t watch anything becouse the picture is all messed up.

...aaaand, my DVD just went capput some hour ago.

i got to many reviews to do.

so many comix to write and draw.

and yeah the moviescripts also.

This is the monitor from hell, it gives me a headache. Those of you who have migraine might understand - now that´s how bad it looks.

On the other hand my playstation also is broken... so what´s next?

The floor giving in?
The roof falling down?
Moon crashes with the sun?
fascists admits that they are.. no wait, that´s to much to ask for - I take that back.

You can´t accept anything from the fascists, beside them being braindead that is (and I being slight messed up in the head myself, so I know, I know when I see one)

Anyway, a new comix is in the making. I give some of it away? Sure I do.

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