Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well since that big big movie spectacle called 2012, are coming soon in theaters November 13...this year actually.

I can´t say I studied this Mayan propecy that much, I know however how the words goes in some point.

But what I find interesting in this, IF it gonna happens. How would you react? Seriously now. You have just x amounts of days left then you either get smashed by an gigantic tide of wave (Tsunami), hit by an flying object (choose whatever fits your imagination here), burning up becouse of the heat or an vulcano outburst.
How would you live your last days? Would you care?
Would you go on a rampage with the attitude "I´m gonna die anyway so fuck it!!"
Well, newsflash, you ain´t gonna die. You will however, either you belive in this 2012 thing or not, you will fall asleep - into the great big sleep.
So, if you choose to "go on a rampage" if/when this planet Nibiru comes into our solarsystem, what makes you not do all theese things right now?

Let´s say that you want to kill someone if that Nibiru comes here and you, by some odd reason, knows that in 3 weeks time all will be gone. Then one might wonder, if you do by then have thoose toughts, you sure have them now also , but you don´t do it?
Are you maby scared that there is an god or entity looking after thoose who "live their lives right"?* So, if one does some fucked up things he/she will be in hell or purgatory or something like that. I seriously wanna know.
People who say they don´t follow or believe in some religion, it´s understandable that they will do anything, and I mean anything to get their will trough.
I mean, who really cares if someone kills 204 people when he/she didn´t believe in some religious power.

Or is it that most of the stupid caphitalis of this fucked up world allready have their so-called god? And now I aint talking about people who have awork and get an 30 000 months salary. I´m talking about the ones who have billions, why would they care? Why should we care about them?

More about the movie 2012

* By meaning "live right" I do mean not being violent, not stealing, not use deadly force upon any lliving animal, environment or humanbeing. Hey, that means that all the "politicians" can be left out, fuck them!

And, of course I have to show a picture, right?
Kyôkô Fukada

oh, and yeah, I am a shintoist, so I do worship the nature. Or as Momo san said. "When fall on ground, the earth stops you, therefor should be grateful and show respect for earth and water and be humble."

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